Monday, August 3, 2009

My fire is the smallest flame

Do you believe that the smallest flame can start a fire that can burn thousands of acres? We had a recent 5 alarm fire in church in regards to the spirituality of some of our members. While I was truly happy and excited for the burning folk, I sat and watched my own flame flicker and twirl until it was almost out. My flame for Christ grows and then gets smaller....grows and then gets smaller yet. It always seems like we are all "on fire" at different times. It saddens me to see this as I sit and wonder what miraculous things would happen if we were all "on fire" at the same time. Perhaps though....that is God's beautiful plan. We can not all be so spirit filled all the time. Some hold the church up while others are hanging on for dear life. Then those that were in the pit of despair turn around and lift up those who are so very tired of supporting others. What a wonder...God is.

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